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January 23, 2010

Inside Out

Title: Inside Out
Author: Maria V. Snyder
Publisher: Luna
Release Date:  April 1, 2010
Received From:  Around the World Tours

I'm Trella. I'm a scrub. A nobody. One of thousands who work the lower levels, keeping Inside clean for the Uppers. I've got one friend, do my job and try to avoid the Pop Cops. So what if I occasionally use the pipes to sneak around the Upper levels? Not like it's all that dangerous - the only neck I risk is my own. Until I accidentally start a rebellion and become the go-to girl to lead a revolution. I should have just said no.

I received this book just as I was starting to read Maria's first novel Poison Study (Review of whole series to come). So I was kind of comparing the different styles of the different series. That was probably not very fair because I absolutely loved the Poison Study series, while I was not as enamored with this book.

Because of all of the amazing dystopian books that are available, this one needed to be amazing to really stand out in such a large market. And while I enjoyed it, it kind of fell flat. The premise was good and overall it was ok, but the middle was really boring, I trudged through it because I wanted to know what would happen.

The characters, well there weren't very many of them until the end, when they showed up one after the other, so I did not feel that I was able to understand more than Trella and a few others, at the end all of the unknown characters were confusing.

While this book could have been fantastic, it was ok, and I will be reading the next book to find out what happens, but the middle was monotonous and the ending was rushed. Overall an ok book. It did not really stand out like in needed to. Hopefully the next book will be better.

Adventuring tip: Bring a notebook to remember all of the names!



  1. That's too bad. I love Maria's Study series, so I was hoping for another amazing book. I really like the adventuring tip! How fun.


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