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July 17, 2010

My Invisible Boyfriend and My Fake Boyfriend is Better Than Yours

Title:  My Invisible Boyfriend (MIB)
Author:  Susie Day
Publisher:  Scholastic Press
Release Date:  April 1, 2010
Received From:  ATWT
Heidi has the perfect solution to her popularity problems - a fake boyfriend. She's even made him an Internet profile that makes him look like a motorcycle-riding, poetry reading bad boy. *swoon* Heidi's friends are so impressed they start emailing Heidi's fake boyfriend with their problems . . . including their problems with Heidi.
As if that weren't bad enough, a delicious and possibly single person called "A Real Boy" emails Heidi to say he knows the truth. Can Heidi escape from her world wide web of lies? Or will her chance at romance disappear faster than you can type gtg?
Title:  My Fake Boyfriend is Better Than Yours (MFB)
Author:  Kristina Springer
Publisher:  Farrar, Straus, and Giroux
Release Date:  August 31, 2010
Received From:  ATWT
Seventh grade was supposed to be fun, but Tori is having major drama with her BFF, Sienna. Sienna changed a lot over the summer on the first day of school she’s tan, confident, and full of stories about her new dreamy boyfriend. Tori knows that she’s totally making this guy up. So Tori invents her own fake boyfriend, who is better than Sienna’s in every way. Things are going great unless you count the whole lying-to-your-best-friend thing until everyone insists Tori and Sienna bring their boyfriends to the back-to-school dance.

I decided to review these two books together because they are so very similar, while one is a YA novel and the other is a MG novel there are many similarities and differences.

  • Both deal with fake boyfriends made up because the MC feel jealous or like everyone has a boyfriend except them.
  • Both fake boyfriends are perfect (I mean really, go big or go home) 
  • Each of the girls get into huge trouble because of their fake boyfriends.
  • Both of the books have strong characters.

  • MIB has a stronger plot, there are more twists and turns but that may be because it is a YA novel. Also there is the added intrigue of the mysterious letters from "A Real Boy." Also Heidi has a gingerbread man/ favorite TV star, that she talks to so it is more like a real boyfriend. 
  • MFB deal primarily with the morals of lying to your friend about your fake boyfriend, even though Tori is convinced that Sienna also has a fake boyfriend she feels really bad about lying to her and so the rest of the book is focused on that.
  • MFB deals more with friendship while MIB deals more with the logistics of having a fake boyfriend as well as the pitfalls in possibly having a real relationship.
In Conclusion:
  • Both books are really good, and you can tell which one is YA and which is MG. Each book has their strengths and weaknesses.
  • MIB has a better plot while MFB has more of  a moral to the story which is conducive to their various audiences. Both books were funny and I recommend them both!


(Has an adorable cover!)


  1. Aah... these sound so cute! I might have to take a look at My Invisible Boyfriend.

    Thanks for the review(s)!

  2. Ooh, MFB DOES have a cute cover. It totally caught my eye.

  3. So glad you enjoyed My Invisible Boyfriend. It was published here as Girl Meets Cake, and I loved it too!

  4. prophecygirl- that is such a cute title!

  5. Interesting review! I wouldn't have been able to read them back to back because I'd get them all mixed up later on.


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