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July 22, 2011

Stealing Bases Review

imageTitle: Stealing Bases
Author: Keri Mikulski
Publisher: Razorbill
Release Date:  July 7, 2011
Received From:  Publisher through Teen {Book} Scene


Reformed mean girl Kylie Collins desperately wants to put the craziness of basketball season behind her. (And with it, her cheater ex, Zachary Murphy.) Maybe she'll finally be able to silence her snarky streak and concentrate on her lifelong dream - being recruited for Division One softball.
But when Kylie arrives at her first softball practice of the season, she comes face-to-face with her worst nightmare: Amber McDonald, the best pitcher in the state.
Now, Kylie's forced to warm the bench as Amber wows crowds again and again. With all the drama happening out on the softball diamond, Kylie finds herself drawn back to bad habits-sabotaging people and hanging out with a certain Zachary Murphy. .


I played sports in high school, I played basketball and softball so I could really relate to Kylie’s feelings about the games as well as understanding some of the lingo, but I still think that you could get into these books even if you’ve never played sports.

This is the forth book in the series of companion novels and so even if you haven't read the other books (like me)  you can still understand what is going on which I really appreciated.

I did not like Kylie as a character, I would not have been friends with her in high school. She was just too mean for me. And while she was trying to get past it, her arrogance was just way too overwhelming to me. But that being said I liked the way she related with the other characters, it was real and believable.

Besides Kylie’s personality I really liked this book, it’s a great  book for both sports lovers as well as lovers of chick-lit!

3.5 maps 








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