Today I have with me some of the characters from Stealing Bases by Keri Mikulski and some of their tweets!
Twitter Pages:
Kylie - @kyliefastpitch15
Missy - @missybananafad
Taylor - @taylorbball
Amber - @softballrocksmytiedyedsocks
Zach - @murphistheman
Missy – Making big plans for #bananafad.
Kylie – *sigh* #holedupinmyroomandbored
Zach - @kyliefastpitch15 Want to play some one-on-one?
Missy – Check out the latest designs on #bananafad’s new website.
Kylie - @murphistheman #notuntilhellfreezesover
Kylie - @murphistheman Is that your only line? #lame
Taylor – RT @missybananafad Check out the latest designs on #bananafad’s new website.
Zach - @kyliefastpitch15 U know you want me.
Missy - @kyliefastpitch15 R u & @murphistheman together AGAIN? #pleaseno
Kylie - @missybananafad #hellno #never
Kylie - @murphistheman #inyourdreams
Amber - @missybananafad @kyliefastpitch15 @taylorbball I just joined Twitter!!!! Yay!!! This is my first official tweet!!! J J J
Kylie - @softballrocksmytiedyedsocks Hey, Amber.
Missy - @softballrocksmytiedyedsocks Longest Twitter name ever!! Awesome!! J #exclamationpointoveruseisirritating
Amber - @missybananafad Thanks! J
Zach – @softballrocksmytiedyedsocks. Ur hot.
Kylie – DM @murphistheman - Amber. Seriously?
Zach – DM @kyliefastpitch15 - No one is as cute as you.
Taylor - @softballrocksmytiedyedsocks Welcome to Twitter, Amber! So glad you signed up.
Amber - @taylorbball Thanks!! And thanks for your help setting up my account. J
Zach – @taylorbball Whaz up?
Kylie – DM @murphistheman - If you’re trying to piss me off, it’s not working.
Zach – DM @kyliefastpitch15 – You look hot on your bed typing furiously. Want me to join u?
Kylie – DM @murphistheman – STOP looking in my window, STALKER.
Zach – DM @kyliefastpitch15 – Not consider stalking if you live in my backyard.
Taylor - @kyliefaspitch15 How’s softball?
Kylie logs off.
Missy - @taylorbball Where’s Hannah?
Taylor - @missybananafad Home
Missy logs off.
Zach - @taylorbball @softballrocksmytiedyedsocks Wanna come over?
Taylor and Amber log off.
Zach – Shooting hoops in my backyard. Who’s up for a little one-on-one?
They sound like a cool group!
Check out my review coming soon!