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June 23, 2009

Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, The

Summary(from Booklist)
In the summer between her freshman and sophomore years, Frankie Landau-Banks transforms from “a scrawny, awkward child” with frizzy hair to a curvy beauty, “all while sitting quietly in a suburban hammock, reading the short stories of Dorothy Parker and drinking lemonade.” On her return to Alabaster Prep, her elite boarding school, she attracts the attention of gorgeous Matthew, who draws her into his circle of popular seniors. Then Frankie learns that Matthew is a member of the Loyal Order of the Basset Hounds, an all-male Alabaster secret society to which Frankie’s dad had once belonged. Excluded from belonging to or even discussing the Bassets, Frankie engineers her own guerilla membership by assuming a false online identity.

This was a very interesting book at first i thought I was not going to like it or it was just going to be a typical boarding school novel. But it certainly surpassed my expectations. It was filled with romance, friendship, treachery, and good old fashioned pranking. Frankie was a very loveable character that I could relate to and would have liked to know.It was also very informative about different secret society traditions. Overall a good read!


Happy Reading!


  1. My BF's name is Matthew xD

    I like the cover, looks mysterious and official ^^

  2. I know the cover is what drew me to it!

  3. Wait, so why the 7/10? What did you dislike about it, I'm curious.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It was not my favorite book. Also parts of it were really slow, and sometimes Frankie's decisions got on my nerves so that's why I gave it 7/10. Overall it was good just somethings I did not really like about it.


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