September 29, 2009
Interview with Tera Lynn Childs
What kind of research did you do for Oh. My. Gods and Goddess Boot camp?
Do you use an outline?

When did you seriously decide to become an author?
How long does it usually take you to write a book?
Were you a big reader or writer when you were growing up?
What do you do when you have writer's block?
What motivates you to go and finish a book? Is it the characters, the plot, ect?

If you could travel anywhere from a book that is not your own where would it be?
What is something we should know about Oh. My. Gods and Goddess Boot Camp?
September 28, 2009
Princess of the Midnight Ball By Jessica Day George
I enjoyed this book, while parts of it were slow it was overall a really enjoyable read.

September 27, 2009
For Review
Lockdown: Escape from Furnace by Alexander Gordon Smith
Milestones by Samira Armin Hodges
Dreamhunter by Elizabeth Knox
Shadow Government by Grant R. Jeffery
Widom Hunter By Randall Arthur
The Poisoned Crown by Amanda Hemingway
From Young Adult books Central
From Library
Top 10 uses for an unworn prom dress by Tina Ferraro
Sovay by Celia Rees
Ivy by Julie Hearn
I had a good week!
What did you get this week?

September 24, 2009
Fade by Lisa McMann

September 22, 2009
Interview with Samira Hodges; Milestone book tour


September 20, 2009
Dull Boy by Sarah Cross
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
Something Maybe by Elizabeth Scott
Geektastic by Various authors
Surf Mules Audio book from Heidi Kling's blog
An awesome Hollow shirt from Jessica Verday!
Bookmarks from Michelle Moran
What did you get?

September 18, 2009
Silver Phoenix: Beyond the Kingdom of Xia by Cindy Pon

September 17, 2009
Maximum Ride Promotion Winners!

September 16, 2009
Cathy's Key by Sean Stewart and Jordan Weisman
This book was a good sequel to Cathy's Book, it answered some unanswered questions from the first book plus added a few more that will hopefully be answered in the next book.
In my review of Cathy's Book I mentioned that there were 2 color drawings in the margins of the book and some people did not understand so I will clarify. On the margins of the book there are illustrations that go with the story in blue ink which use the white of the paper creatively. So I hope that is more clear now.
Moving on to the story, it was well drawn out and and characters were somewhat developed, but not as much as I would have liked. Again having the evidence was really nice. One of the main things I had a problem with was the fact that the author would allude to things and then never explain them. But maybe they will be answered in the next book. Overall an ok book.

September 15, 2009
Author Interview with Erin Dionne
What kind of research did you do for Models don‘t eat chocolate cookies?
How long did it take you to write?

When did you decide to become a writer?
What makes you get up and start writing even when you really do not want to? (characters, plot, wanting to know what is going to happen, ect.)
Do you use an outline when you start a book or do you just start writing?
If you could travel anywhere from a book that is not your own where would it be?
Anything else we should know about Models don‘t eat chocolate cookies?
Thanks Erin!

September 14, 2009
A Curse as Dark as Gold
"If you'll allow me to demonstrate, I do think I could be of some help to you here."
This book was very good, I like Fairy Tale retellings. This book debuted last year and won the debut award! So I had some high expectations that were definitely met!
Fire Blog Tour
Also if you have a blog make sure to pick up this snazzy Fire widget!
Enjoy and make sure to check out the blog tour every weekday!
Fire by Kristin Cashore

September 13, 2009
Wake by Lisa Mcmann

Not all dreams are sweet.
I had heard many different things about this book, but I really liked it!
The plot is very different than anything I had ever read before which was nice. The characters were well developed and Cabel sounds so sweet and I want to get to know him better! Janie is suprisingly not very whiny even though she had a valid reason to which I was thankful for.
One of the main problems I had with this book was the fact that it was really short. I think that it was much, much too short, it could have been twice as long as it was. Overall it was a pretty good book!

September 10, 2009
Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin
Welcome to Elsewhere. It is warm, with a breeze, and the beaches are marvelous. It’s quiet and peaceful. You can’t get sick or any older. Curious to see new paintings by Picasso? Swing by one of Elsewhere’s museums. Need to talk to someone about your problems? Stop by Marilyn Monroe’s psychiatric practice.

September 9, 2009
Waiting on Wednesday

Lily’s mermaid identity is a secret that can’t get out, since she’s not just any mermaid – she’s a Thalassinian princess. When Lily found out three years ago that her mother was actually a human, she finally realized why she didn’t feel quite at home in Thalassinia, and she’s been living on land and going to Seaview high school ever since, hoping to find where she truly belongs. Sure, land has its problems – like her obnoxious, biker boy neighbor Quince Fletcher – but it has that one major perk – Brody. The problem is, mermaids aren’t really the casual dating type – when they “bond,” it’s for life.
When Lily’s attempt to win Brody’s love leads to a tsunami-sized case of mistaken identity, she is in for a tidal wave of relationship drama, and she finds out, quick as a tailfin flick, that happily-ever-after never sails quite as smoothly as you planned.
I cannot wait!! Comes out in June 2010!!!!!! (Katherine Tegen Books)

Cathy's Book by Sean Stewart and Jordan Weisman

September 8, 2009
Interview with Jennifer Jabaley
What kind of research did you do for Lipstick Apology?
How long did it take you to write?
When did you decide to become a writer?

What makes you get up and start writing even when you really do not want to? (characters, plot, wanting to know what is going to happen, ect.)
Do you use an outline when you start a book or do you just start writing?
If you could travel anywhere from a book that is not your own where would it be?
Anything else we should know about Lipstick Apology?
September 7, 2009
Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev

The plot was very interesting and different combined with the funny dialog with different plot twists made this book a great anytime read.
The characters even though most were from other plays had different and interesting personalities and senses of humor. Bertie was a great heroine because she really wanted to stay and she was also very innocent.
I really enjoyed this book and I think that even though the book seems like mostly a girl book some guys would like it as well! I cannot wait for the rest of the books in this trilogy!

Max By James Patterson

Maximum Ride and the other members of the flock have barely recovered from their last Arctic adventure, when they are confronted by the most frightening catastrophe yet. Millions of fish are dying off the coast of
This is the fifth book in the Maximum Ride series, I had never read them before but I picked up this one.
I really liked the idea for this series it is different and interesting, also what kid does not want to be a hero type thing? The series is interesting and fun and I want to go back and read the rest because of this one!
One of the good things about this book is that you don't absolutely have to have read the other books in the series to understand what is going on. Even though Max keeps talking about other things that have happened before they are not crucial to the rest of the book. It is slightly annoying though but you can get though it with no ill effects.
Parts of the book felt kind of disjointed and unimportant like they could have been left out but eventually they smoothed out. Overall good series!
Check out my 8 book James Patterson prize pack in celebration of MAX coming out in paperback!

September 6, 2009
Beastly by Alex Flinn

I am a beast.
A beast. Not quite wolf or bear, gorilla or dog but a horrible new creature who walks upright—a creature with fangs and claws and hair springing from every pore. I am a monster.
You think I'm talking fairy tales? No way. The place is New York City. The time is now. It's no deformity, no disease. And I'll stay this way forever—ruined—unless I can break the spell.
Yes, the spell, the one the witch in my English class cast on me. Why did she turn me into a beast who hides by day and prowls by night? I'll tell you. I'll tell you how I used to be Kyle Kingsbury, the guy you wished you were, with money, perfect looks, and the perfect life. And then, I'll tell you how I became perfectly . . . beastly.
This book came out a long time ago and I always wondered what it was about so I picked it up. I have always live the story of Beauty and the Beast so I was intrigued to find out that there was a retelling of the book from the beast's point of view.
This book was very heart wrenching in my opinion because you see Kyle getting kicked out of his home and his life and being completely left alone except for a maid and his blind tutor. This book really opened up my eyes to what the experience would have been like for the Beast, not just Beauty.
The only problem I had with this book was that he was really, really whiny throughout most of the book which I guess was warranted some of the time but not all of the time. Overall a good book!

September 5, 2009
Paper Towns by John Green

Quentin Jacobsen has spent a lifetime loving the magnificently adventurous Margo Roth Spiegelman from afar. So when she cracks open a window and climbs back into his life--dressed like a ninja and summoning him for an ingenious campaign of revenge--he follows.
After their all-nighter ends and a new day breaks, Q arrives at school to discover that Margo, always an enigma, has now become a mystery. But Q soon learns that there are clues--and they're for him. Urged down a disconnected path, the closer he gets, the less Q sees of the girl he thought he knew.
So all of the books I have read by John Green are really good. This was no exception, the characters were well built and the plot was executed well.
One of the things that tells me that John Green's books are good is the fact that I personally have a harder time reading book where the narrator is a guy. I don't know why but that is just the way it works out. But when I pick up a John Green novel I don't think about the fact that the book has a guy narrator, I am just pulled into the story and cannot look back.
Ok on to the story, Quentin and his friends are very believable people that don't all exactly fall into a stereotypical mold which is hard to do in writing.
The only small problem I had with this book was the ending was a real letdown in my opinion maybe because it was so built up that I wanted more I don't know but I felt unsatisfied with the ending, but maybe that was the author's intention. I don't know, other than that I loved this book and cannot wait for the next one!
(visit John Green's Website/blog at

September 2, 2009
Interview with Jessica Verday
Who is your favorite character from The Hollow?
Where do you get your inspiration?
I've always loved The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving, and I loved the Tim Burton movie; Sleepy Hollow. When I heard Abbey's voice in my head, I decided to take a trip to the real Sleepy Hollow. And it all came together from there.
When did you seriously start pursuing writing?
How long does it usually take you to write a book?
Were you a

What was your favorite book growing up? What about now? Do you have a favorite genre or do you like them all? Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte then, I don't currently have a favorite right now. I like them all, romance, mystery, thriller etc.
What do you do when you have writers block? Get inspired! I read books, listen to music and dig out my favorite movies until I find something to inspire me.
What are you currently reading? The Eternal Kiss Anthology by multiple authors
What makes The Hollow different from other paranormal YA books? It's a very grounded story. Although there are certain paranormal aspects, it's not so over the top that you couldn't picture it happening to you.
Also check out The Hollow's website to learn more!