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June 21, 2011

Don’t Stop Now This or That

imageToday I have with me Julie Halpern, author of Don’t Stop Now, (available today.) Picking some of her preferences.

E-books, or paper
Paper.  My eyes burn if I look at a screen too long.
Fiction or nonfiction
Fiction.  And almost always YA.
Libraries or bookstores
Libraries.  I’m a librarian, and my house is already full of books.  I like being able to return them.
Summer or winter
I used to think winter, but now that I have a child, summer is a lot easier.
Rain or snow
Snow, unless I have to drive in it.
Pie or cake
Hand-written or typed
Hand-written.  I’m a terrible typist.  All my books are handwritten first.
Hard candy or chocolate
Can I choose soft candy?  I’m a gummy candy fiend.  Although, not gummy bears or worms.
Road trips or airplane rides
Road trips, of course!  Although, I love to travel so however I have to get there.
Mountains or beaches
Neither.  I prefer the desert.

Thanks Julie! and be sure to check out her now book Don’t Stop Now! Available now.




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