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June 20, 2009

Gamer Girl

Gamer Girl
by Mari Mancusi

After her parents’ divorce, Maddy has to leave her ultra-hip Boston life for a New Hampshire suburb, where she, her mother, and her sister stay with Grandma. Not only does Maddy have to deal with missing her friends and father, but Grandma ruins her first day at school by insisting she wear a unicorn sweatshirt and then by embarrassing a popular boy with stories of his childhood bed-wetting. Bullied by the in-crowd (“the Haters”), crushing on the wrong guy, and stuck with the nickname Freak Girl, Maddy escapes into her drawing and the online game Fields of Fantasy, where she can vanquish enemies and make friends far easier than at school. After encouragement from a sympathetic teacher, Maddy makes friends by starting a manga club. But just when things are improving, the Haters strike again.

This was a good book that encourages people to stand up for themselves and not let themselves be bullied. Also that even if you are scared to do something just do it because it might turn out for the better. Maddy is a very likable character that has the same issues that teens today have. This was a light read that you did not have to think much about to get.



  1. I would like to read this, sound fun and light ^^

  2. I had heard that this was a really great book. Thanks for reviewing it.


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