It has been a while, hasn't it? The last year or so has been pretty difficult for me so I let this blog fall by the wayside. Honestly, I haven't even finished a non-audio book in a while. But I have been wanting to share my thoughts on books again so I decided to resurrect this blog. But fair warning I have decided to make this not only a blog where I can share about the latest book I read, but I want it to be about all the things I want to share with you guys. This includes posts about my faith. Now if you don't want to see those I understand, I will have them labeled with #faith so that if you only are here for my book reviews you don't have to see them.
I also hope to share other aspects of my life with you guys, because as my name says this is A Reader's Adventure and that encompasses more than just reading, it involves cooking, and planning, and my faith. So I hope you guys stick around!
February 15, 2017
December 4, 2015
I'm back!
Hey guys! I know its been a while but this semester will be over next week and then I will be back with a bunch of reviews and discussions! Thanks for hanging in there!
September 26, 2015
First & Then blog tour and Giveaway!
Today I have the pleasure of having Emma Mills author of First & Then stop by for the First & Then blog tour which is set up like superlatives. The superlative I got was favorite secondary character! So I asked Emma who some of her favorite secondary characters were and here is what she said!

Some of my very favorite secondary characters in YA are:
- Reagan (Fangirl, Rainbow Rowell) – the best grumpy college roommate you could ask for!
- Wylan (Six of Crows, Leigh Bardugo) – beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure.
- Tiny Cooper (Will Grayson Will Grayson, David Levithan and John Green) – a secondary character so legendary, he does indeed get his own book!
- Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter series, J.K. Rowling) – she is just THE BEST. I would love another seven-part series that just follows Luna’s day-to-day adventures!

I love both Luna and Wylan so I definitly agree with Emma! Some of my favorite secondary charcters include:
George Holly from The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater- He just adds so much to the book.
Cilla from The Royal We By Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan- She is an amazig friend and makes great comments.
Sturmhond from Siege and Storm and Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo- Just yes. Give him his own book!!!
Be sure to check out the rest of this awesome blog tour! Fill out the rafflecopter below to enter to win a copy of First & Then! (U.S. only)
August 30, 2015
Summer Blogger Promo Tour Wrap-Up!
Hi guys today is the wrap up for the Summer Blogger Promo Tour! I had a lot of fun getting to know some new bloggers and learning more about them! i had some issues but mostly had a blast! It is really hard for me to pick my favorite post but I think Melissa's about Trading Systems in YA was one of my favorites for sure! I hope to be able to participate again!
August 9, 2015
Summer Blogger Promo Tour #6 Melissa from the Reader and the Chef
Week 6 of the Summer Blogger Promo Tour and i'm so excited to have Melissa from The Reader and the Chef stop by and talk about something close to her heart!
Hi guys! I'm Melissa from The Reader and the Chef. I'm thrilled to be here in A Reader's Adventure to share with you my thoughts about the trading systems in YA books! Huge thanks to Mariah for giving me a wonderful topic that sure made me think. (Apologies in advance for the long-ish post. I got excited.) :)
People around me, especially non-readers, are constantly asking me - what do you gain from reading YA books? This is more focused on the fact that I study Foreign Trade & Customs, which means I pretty much know (or am supposed to know) all about how to sell goods, what taxes must be paid when importing or exporting, and also on how to get to know or interact with potential buyers and sellers. So really, what does my career have to do with reading books or book blogging? More especifically, do YA books teach me or help me out with my career?
Why yes, they do in fact. I've learned lots with YA books. Focused on my career, I've learned to understand how places and their diverse culture work, how they survive and get along to satisfy their needs. Even though most cultures in YA literature are fictional, their foundation is not. Aliens or humans, angels or demons, vampires or werewolves, and all other type of beings, are tied down to the same things. No matter what year they are, society in general will always have the same needs too. They have to satisfy hunger, thirst, clothing, etc.
The trading systems in YA books to satisfy these needs actually have an important part in the storyline. For example, the trading system in The Hunger Games. I know, pretty cliché, but it's one of my favorites. In District 12, whenever people want to get ahold of something they desperately need - wether it's food or clothing - they opt in to trade whatever they have with people at The Hob (which is like the black market to them). Even though it's illegal, I like how it works. It's kind of back to basics. You go in, trade game for soap, yarn, or anything else that is a fair exchange. Money is of no use there. Also, you have to know about the people who trade inside The Hob, or even outside, really. Like Peeta's father who has a thing for squirrels and would trade for bread IF his wife isn't around. Best to trade at the back, have to be careful there.
So it all comes down to studying the people. Studying the market. The Capitol's system is a totally different matter. It's a richer economy, though I'm not that familiar with it to be honest. Just nutsy people sponsoring The Hunger Games. Not much to see there. Oh, but Finnick's was interesting! He preferred secrets as a way of payment instead of money. Smart, since he found more use for them than to money.
In historical or fantasy books, it's almost a sure thing that society is ruled by one or more kingdoms. This one is much easier to understand and semi-rudimentary. Gold is generally the "coin" in which people buy their goods, but if we're talking about how to determine wealth, you only have to seek out those who own lots of lands (that is, if they are not the kings, queens or other royalty). In kingdoms, there's usually a famous street in which those of upper class go to buy expensive food, silk and other items. The people who run the stores are middle class, and those who work behind the stores, like hired seamstresses and worksmiths, are lower class.
What I love about the trading system in historical/fantasy books is that you will, at one point or another, come across a scene in which street vendors will yell at you or shove into your face the products they are selling. My inner trading-self squeals every time this happens. It's kind of funny because the same thing happens in real life too. Ever gone to swap-meets? Crazy place where they sell you ANYTHING. Kind of like a mild and legal black market. Ha.
Anyway, this trading system reminds me of the one we read about in The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa. It's in that time when Ash is trying to get Meghan out of Winter and takes her through a hidden fey market. Instead of coin, here they ask for your full name, firstborn, voice, dreams, and basically your soul if you want something. Word of advice: NEVER bargain with the tricky fey!
As for sci-fi books, and some other dystopian books, it's just a matter of how technologically advanced they are. Like in Beth Revis' The Body Electric. They use these cuffs on their wrists that work as your I.D., money, social media/internet access, and so many other possibilities. My mind gets a bit dizzy just by thinking about it. If you don't wear these cuffs, you can't pay for food or clothes or transit. Society is bound by these little devices and it's usually the way how the government controls them and knows where you are AT ALL TIMES. Let that sink in for a bit if you thought that was cool.
So you see, the trading systems inside of YA books do play a big HUGE part in books. They are always tightly tied to the government, but of course, they can be studied separately as well. Now I wish I had chosen this topic for my thesis! Now excuse me while I go show off this post to my friends and family so they can see yet another reason why YA books are AWESOME and not a waste of time. They sure can expand your horizons!
Big thanks again to Mariah for having me on her blog today! *Hugs*
Thanks for stopping by Melissa! Here is some more about her!
Melissa is a 21 year old book blogger and reviewer, currently studying Foreign Trade and Customs in Mexico. Her favorite genres are fantasy, paranormal, contemporary, and basically all things young adult with a hint of romance. She also enjoys reading new adult books and classic literature from time to time. When she's not reading, she loves to sing out loud, eat sweets, stare at her collection of books and daydream about marrying one of her favorite book boyfriends. You can find her at her book blog The Reader and the Chef, at Kate Tilton, Connecting Authors & Readers, and stalking her author friends and bloggers as @MeliRobles.
Hi guys! I'm Melissa from The Reader and the Chef. I'm thrilled to be here in A Reader's Adventure to share with you my thoughts about the trading systems in YA books! Huge thanks to Mariah for giving me a wonderful topic that sure made me think. (Apologies in advance for the long-ish post. I got excited.) :)
People around me, especially non-readers, are constantly asking me - what do you gain from reading YA books? This is more focused on the fact that I study Foreign Trade & Customs, which means I pretty much know (or am supposed to know) all about how to sell goods, what taxes must be paid when importing or exporting, and also on how to get to know or interact with potential buyers and sellers. So really, what does my career have to do with reading books or book blogging? More especifically, do YA books teach me or help me out with my career?
Why yes, they do in fact. I've learned lots with YA books. Focused on my career, I've learned to understand how places and their diverse culture work, how they survive and get along to satisfy their needs. Even though most cultures in YA literature are fictional, their foundation is not. Aliens or humans, angels or demons, vampires or werewolves, and all other type of beings, are tied down to the same things. No matter what year they are, society in general will always have the same needs too. They have to satisfy hunger, thirst, clothing, etc.
The trading systems in YA books to satisfy these needs actually have an important part in the storyline. For example, the trading system in The Hunger Games. I know, pretty cliché, but it's one of my favorites. In District 12, whenever people want to get ahold of something they desperately need - wether it's food or clothing - they opt in to trade whatever they have with people at The Hob (which is like the black market to them). Even though it's illegal, I like how it works. It's kind of back to basics. You go in, trade game for soap, yarn, or anything else that is a fair exchange. Money is of no use there. Also, you have to know about the people who trade inside The Hob, or even outside, really. Like Peeta's father who has a thing for squirrels and would trade for bread IF his wife isn't around. Best to trade at the back, have to be careful there.
So it all comes down to studying the people. Studying the market. The Capitol's system is a totally different matter. It's a richer economy, though I'm not that familiar with it to be honest. Just nutsy people sponsoring The Hunger Games. Not much to see there. Oh, but Finnick's was interesting! He preferred secrets as a way of payment instead of money. Smart, since he found more use for them than to money.
In historical or fantasy books, it's almost a sure thing that society is ruled by one or more kingdoms. This one is much easier to understand and semi-rudimentary. Gold is generally the "coin" in which people buy their goods, but if we're talking about how to determine wealth, you only have to seek out those who own lots of lands (that is, if they are not the kings, queens or other royalty). In kingdoms, there's usually a famous street in which those of upper class go to buy expensive food, silk and other items. The people who run the stores are middle class, and those who work behind the stores, like hired seamstresses and worksmiths, are lower class.

Anyway, this trading system reminds me of the one we read about in The Iron Daughter by Julie Kagawa. It's in that time when Ash is trying to get Meghan out of Winter and takes her through a hidden fey market. Instead of coin, here they ask for your full name, firstborn, voice, dreams, and basically your soul if you want something. Word of advice: NEVER bargain with the tricky fey!

So you see, the trading systems inside of YA books do play a big HUGE part in books. They are always tightly tied to the government, but of course, they can be studied separately as well. Now I wish I had chosen this topic for my thesis! Now excuse me while I go show off this post to my friends and family so they can see yet another reason why YA books are AWESOME and not a waste of time. They sure can expand your horizons!
Big thanks again to Mariah for having me on her blog today! *Hugs*

Melissa is a 21 year old book blogger and reviewer, currently studying Foreign Trade and Customs in Mexico. Her favorite genres are fantasy, paranormal, contemporary, and basically all things young adult with a hint of romance. She also enjoys reading new adult books and classic literature from time to time. When she's not reading, she loves to sing out loud, eat sweets, stare at her collection of books and daydream about marrying one of her favorite book boyfriends. You can find her at her book blog The Reader and the Chef, at Kate Tilton, Connecting Authors & Readers, and stalking her author friends and bloggers as @MeliRobles.
August 8, 2015
School for Sidekicks review and giveaway!
Title: School for Sidekicks
Author: Kelly McCullough
Publisher: Feiwel and Friends
Release Date: August 4, 2015
Received From: Publisher as part of a book tour. Does not effect my review.
Review: Do you remember the movie Sky High? Well if you haven't seen it I recommnd it. But if you liked that movie I think you will enjoy School for Sidekicks.
This is a fun book where a kid who adores superheroes actually beocmes one, and it is nothing like he would have imagined. Evan was funny and you could tell he really wanted to do the right thing. Also I liked the friends he made while at AMO.
The mythology of the superpowers in this book was very interesting. I liekd getting to understand it better and digging deeper into what was going on. I do think that the back of the book gives a little too much away though.
Overall I liked this book, it was fun, fast paced and interesting. If you are a fan of superhero stories then I think this is a book for you!
Enter to win a copy:
US only
ends 8/20/15
Author: Kelly McCullough
Publisher: Feiwel and Friends
Release Date: August 4, 2015
Received From: Publisher as part of a book tour. Does not effect my review.
Synopsis: Being a hero isn't always what it's cracked up to be in this funny and genuine novel from adult fantasy author Kelly McCullough.
Evan Quick is a GIANT superhero geek who dreams of one day becoming a superhero himself. Every morning he checks to see if he's developed his powers overnight, and every day there's nothing. No flying, no super strength, no invulnerability—that always hurts to check—no telepathy, no magic. Not even the ability to turn off the alarm clock without smacking the switch.
But then Evan somehow manages to survive a supervillian's death ray, and is sent to the Academy for Metahuman Operatives. Unfortunately, his new school is not what he expected, and instead of fighting bad guys, Evan finds himself blacklisted, and on the wrong side of the school's director. If Evan ever wants to realize his dream, he must convince his "mentor" Foxman, a semi-retired has-been, to become a real hero once again.
Review: Do you remember the movie Sky High? Well if you haven't seen it I recommnd it. But if you liked that movie I think you will enjoy School for Sidekicks.
This is a fun book where a kid who adores superheroes actually beocmes one, and it is nothing like he would have imagined. Evan was funny and you could tell he really wanted to do the right thing. Also I liked the friends he made while at AMO.
The mythology of the superpowers in this book was very interesting. I liekd getting to understand it better and digging deeper into what was going on. I do think that the back of the book gives a little too much away though.
Overall I liked this book, it was fun, fast paced and interesting. If you are a fan of superhero stories then I think this is a book for you!
Enter to win a copy:
US only
ends 8/20/15
August 2, 2015
Summer Blogger Promo Tour Week 5: Ri from Hiver et Cafe
Today I have the pleasure of having Ri from Hiver et Cafe as part of the Summer Blogger Promo Tour to talk about some of her favorite crime shows!
Hi everyone! I'm Ri from Hiver et Cafe, where I blog about books, places I go and other things like that!
Today on Mariah's blog, I'm going to be sharing about some of my favourite crime shows and also talk about books that I also enjoy that go along with these shows.
WHITE COLLAR is one of those shows that I absolutely adore. It's about Neal Caffrey, a professional con artist who strikes a deal with an FBI agent to be let into their custody and help them solve cases. There's just something about con artist characters that I love. They're charming and intelligent and use their wits to commit their crimes. Neal Caffrey, played by Matt Bomer, is always wearing tailored suits and he's quite easy on the eyes. ;)
The book that I think that matches up well with this show is the HEIST SOCIETY series by Ally Carter. Although there isn't a charming con man in this novel, it is about a family that is well known for their heists from museums and the like. There is a swoony love interest as well though!
Another crime show that I love is CRIMINAL MINDS. I mean, who doesn't love Criminal Minds? It's pretty much a procedural, but it's still very dramatic and exciting. My favourite character in the show is Dr. Spencer Reid, a young genius on the team who can read super fast and he's just adorably awkward.
Instead of a book that relates to the show, I'm choosing a book that sort of relates to Spencer Reid. In one episode, he was given a copy of an Arthur Conan Doyle novel, which made me think of the fantastic YA Sherlock Holmes novel, EVERY BREATH by Ellie Marney! I adore the books in that series and Holmes is definitely kinda swoony. ;)
Another show that I adore is PERSON OF INTEREST. It starts out as a crime procedural, which I love, but then it became a lot about the ethics of artificial intelligence and a whole lot darker. It's SO GREAT. Y'all should really watch it. It's really long since there are several seasons of it already, but it's truly truly worth it.
A book that I'm pairing with this show is PARTIALS by Dan Wells. It's a novel that deals with the aftermath of artificial intelligence and it was a fun novel to read. It's more of a post apocalyptic novel than anything, but it still deals with artificial intelligence and a little bit of the ethics involved though not as deeply as something like Person of Interest.
Thank you so much to Mariah for having me on her blog!
Thanks for coming Ri! I love crime shows so I'm excited to try some of them out!
Here is some more about Ri!
My name is Sabrina, but I go by Ri.
I'm a Canadian teenager who is still studying her butt off in school. I enter my first year of University this year and I couldn't be more nervous. Due to my state of being a student, I try and make time to read as much as I can in between classes and homework and such things.
I've been a heavy reader since I was a child and like my obsessions, books had faded into the background of my life for some time. I was reading, just not as heavily. However, with the discovery of book blogs, I was instantly hooked and created this blog, Hiver et Café in January of 2014. The blog is named after two great loves in my life: Winter and Coffee.
So clearly, two things that I'm interested in are coffee and the winter time. Some other things that I love are crime shows (I have an unhealthy obsession), nail polish, Kpop, makeup, travelling (any chance I have to travel, I'll gladly take it), manga, Disney, graphic design and photography. There are probably other things too, but I am out of ideas at the moment.
July 26, 2015
Summer Blogger Promo Tour Week 4: The Book Bratz
Today is the 4th week of the Summer Blogger Promo Tour and I'm excited to have the hosts of the tour stopping by to talk about blogging with their best friend!
Hey there! We're Amber and Jessica, co-bloggers and longtime friends over at The Book Bratz. Mariah invited us over here today to do a guest post on what it's like to blog as best friends! We've known each other since Kindergarten and have been blogging together for the past two years - so we have a lot of fun experiences that we're excited to talk about.:)
Jessica's Opinion:
I think the fact that Amber and I are friends outside of the internet realm helps the blog tremendously. Our blogging relationship doesn't solely exist through texting and Twitter - every morning, I'll check stuff going on at the blog, and then instead of having to text Amber about it, we can have a discussion about it face to face. We get more done that way. We also get to go to book events such as BookCon together, go shopping for giveaway stuff for the blog, and just grow and learn about blogging with one another! It's a totally different experience when the person you work with is somebody that you know beyond blogging. Being known as "those two nerdy girls who run some sort of internet thing" is always fun, too. xD No matter where Amber and I may be - school, work, out to dinner, a college fair, sitting at home, or even junior prom - we find time to discuss the blog and giveaways and all of that fun stuff. There's never a time where we're together and don't talk about The Book Bratz one way or another.
Amber's Opinion:
I am not a calm person. I get ranty, and pissed off. No one else understands the blog stuff so she talks me down from it. It has bought us closer together as friends and I know that when we go away to college we won't loose contact with each other. with ARCs we just drop them off to each others houses, and now that Jessica drives she likes to scare my brother into thinking she is going to kidnap him. Most of out actually free time is wrapped up in the blog now, so she is always leaving notes on my posts to fix things. She might as well be sitting right next to me. The Book Bratz would not be running if it wasn't for Jess!
So, those are our thoughts on what it's like to blog together! If you're considering finding a co-blogger, it's definitely the way to go. Not only do you have someone on board to help you with the workload, but you get to share fun experiences together, too!
We'd like to thank Mariah for having us today and we hope that you all enjoy the rest of the Summer Blogger Promo Tour! Come stop by our blog sometime and leave a comment - we'd love to talk to you. For now, another huge thank you to Mariah and we hope you all check back here every Sunday to meet more awesome bloggers!
July 19, 2015
Summer Blogger Promo Tour Week 3: Caught Read Handed
It is week 3 of the Summer Blogger Promo Tour! I hope you guys have been having as much fun reading these guest posts as I have been! Today I have Stefani from Caught Read Handed!
Hi, everyone! My name is Stefani, and I’m the blogger behind
Caught Read Handed. When Mariah asked me if I’d like to write a post about
something I’d love to recreate from a book if I had unlimited resources, my
mind went wild with ideas. Should I build my own Hogwarts? My own Batmobile? My
own time machine? The possibilities are endless and I could list ideas forever
and ever.
But I had to pick ONE. Somehow, I had to pick one. I decided
to go with a teleportation device. I haven’t chosen one from a single book, but
teleportation shows up in fiction from as far back as the original Aladdin tale
(probably even way before that) to now, in books like Harry Potter, Jumper, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Star Trek, and a million other books.
I’ve been lucky enough to be a worldwide traveler; not only
have I been to about ¾ of the States, but I’ve also been to Scotland, England,
Ireland, Spain, and Italy. Because of this, I have friends from all over the
world. How cool would it be to be instantly transported to a pub in Scotland to
hang out with my best friend or to that beach in Spain that I loved so much or
to Chicago to visit family? It’d be amazing to step onto a platform and find
myself in a place I’ve never been before but always wanted to see like Reykjavik
or Thailand? I’m a wanderer through and through and I love visiting new places
and meeting new people and exploring the world.
If I had unlimited resources, I would hands down build a
teleporter. I’d pay the smartest scientists in the world whatever they wanted
to develop that technology. Plus, I wouldn’t be stingy with my teleporter.
You’d all be able to use it too! Come with me to China or Seattle or Hawaii or
wherever. Let’s go!
Thanks so much for having me, Mariah!
What a cool idea! Here is more about Stefani!
Hi! My name is Stefani, and I’m a mismatched socks, overflowing bookshelves, pot of coffee a day, Sonic Screwdriver, paint all over my fingers, rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock kind of girl with alopecia. I have a master’s degree in Publishing Studies from the University of Stirling in Scotland. I am a Youth Services Specialist at a library in Mississippi. I also work remotely as a publicity assistant for a publisher and write reviews of books, comics, and TV shows for WatchPlayRead. When I’m not doing one of those things, I can be found with my nose in a book. If it wasn’t clear enough already: I love books.
July 12, 2015
Summer Blogger Promo Tour Week 2: Jillian's Books!
Today on the second week of the Summer Blogger Promo Tour I have Jillian from Jillian's Books! Shes here to match some songs to their book soulmate!
3 Songs That Perfectly
Match 3 Books

-- Song: Gale Song by The Lumineers
-- Description: Second Chance Summer is an incredibly heartbreaking book that narrates
the story of Taylor Edwards. For one summer, she is given a second chance to do every-
thing right, to fix all the stuff she had left broken in the past, to relive the memories of
the past…To recreate the relationships she thought could never mend at all.
But it isn’t also just about those things. Taylor’s father has cancer, and he only has months
left to live. With those remaining months left, Taylor is not quite sure if she is ready to say
goodbye with the only summer she has left to make everything right.
“Gale Song” by The Lumineers perfectly fits the story! This sad song is about letting go out
of love, and I think it perfectly portrays the relationship between Taylor and her father.
2 2)Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini
-- Song: Faith (When I Let You Down) by Taking Back Sunday
-- Description: Laini Taylor’s book not only showcases its fantasy aspects, but also a brilliant
and heartwarming relationship between an angel and a devil – namely, Karou and Akiva.
Throughout, both characters undergo different circumstances that test their belief, faith,
and love for each other.
Personally, I find Taking Back Sunday’s song (WHICH I LOVE) a reflection of the crumbl-
ing faith the two have for each other, and the many personal ways how one would fight
to maintain their faith and relationship whole once again.
-- Song: Faith (When I Let You Down) by Taking Back Sunday
-- Description: Laini Taylor’s book not only showcases its fantasy aspects, but also a brilliant
and heartwarming relationship between an angel and a devil – namely, Karou and Akiva.
Throughout, both characters undergo different circumstances that test their belief, faith,
and love for each other.
Personally, I find Taking Back Sunday’s song (WHICH I LOVE) a reflection of the crumbl-
ing faith the two have for each other, and the many personal ways how one would fight
to maintain their faith and relationship whole once again.
3)T he Fault in our Stars by John Green
-- Song: Dream by Priscilla Ahn
-- Description: In TFIOS, we see two cancer patients fall for each other in spite of their
health getting in the way. Despite the two’s illnesses, Hazel and Augustus still continued
to live life as if their days were never numbered at all.
Priscilla Ahn’s beautiful song truly shows Hazel’s and Augustus’s intentions of living life to
to the fullest and becoming ready of whatever comes next in life.
-- Song: Dream by Priscilla Ahn
-- Description: In TFIOS, we see two cancer patients fall for each other in spite of their
health getting in the way. Despite the two’s illnesses, Hazel and Augustus still continued
to live life as if their days were never numbered at all.
Priscilla Ahn’s beautiful song truly shows Hazel’s and Augustus’s intentions of living life to
to the fullest and becoming ready of whatever comes next in life.
I'm Jillian, and I'm 14 years old. I come from Manila, Philippines, and I have a huge love for reading and writing. I love making new friends so don't hesitate to talk to me!
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