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Today I have with me one of my favorite authors Victoria Schwab author of The Near Witch and The Archived!
If you could spend a whole day with Neil Gaiman or a whole
year around narwhals which would you choose?
day with Neil Gaiman. We'd take tea and talk books and stroll through
the woods musing on the seams in the world and it would be as magical as
a lifetime of narwhals. Also probably less dangerous, since their horns
are very, very sharp.
If you could be best friends with someone from The Archived who would it be?
--Wesley. No question.
Which one of the characters from The Archived would fit in the most in the world of The Near Witch and vice-versa?
That's a hard one. I can see Dreska working for the Archive, but I'm
not sure how any of my Archive characters would fare in Near. Roland,
maybe. There's something very old-world about him.
Where did you get the idea for the Coronado?
love settings. I always want them to behave like characters. I knew
that while I was dealing with a very big world (the Archive, the
Narrows, the Outer) I wanted to create the same island-like sensation
from Near, so I created the hotel. And because I'm me, I wanted it to be
old and creepy and full of secrets.
There are lots of wacky characters in The Archived, was it fun coming up with them? And which non-main
character was your favorite to write?
I love coming up with secondary characters, far more than main
characters (I think it's very hard to REALLY get to know your main
character). As far as favorites, it's a tie between Roland the
Librarian, Nix the blind man up on the seventh floor, and Ms. Angelli,
the hoarder.
Will we find out more about the various layers of the world
(such as the narrows, the outer, and the library) in The Archived #2?
--Yes. You'll learn more about what makes the Archive tick,
and that the system is neither as simple nor as stable as Mackenzie
once believed.
Thanks so much Victoria!
Make sure to check out Victoria's amazing books because you will love them!